26. September 2016


Li et al. describe the cloning and characterization of the rth6 mutant, which is defective in root hair development. The rth6 gene was mapped using a combination of BSRseq and Seq-walking. The gene is root hair specific and encodes a Cellulose synthase like D gene, which is involved in the synthesis of the secondary cell wall at the root hair shaft.

Scientific Reports
Scientific Reports © Scientific Reports
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Li L., Hey S., Liu S., Liu Q., McNinch C., Hu H.C., Wen T.J., Marcon C., Paschold A., Bruce W., Schnable P.S., Hochholdinger F. (2016) Characterization of maize roothairless6 which encodes a D-type cellulose synthase and controls the switch from bulge formation to tip growth. Sci. Rep. 6, 34395; doi: 10.1038/srep34395, in press.

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