31. March 2016

NEW PUBLICATION: Peng Yu et al. publish article in Plant Physiology NEW PUBLICATION: Peng Yu et al. publish article in Plant Physiology

Yu et al. provide divergent transcriptome pattern of lateral root initiation in response to local high nitrate using LCM-RNA-Seq. Notably, brace roots displayed an exceptional architectural plasticity compared to other root types and highlighted differences in the functional adaptability to heterogeneous distributed nitrate.

Peng Yu
Peng Yu © INRES - Crop Functional Genomics
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Yu P., Baldauf J.A., Lithio A., Marcon C., Nettleton D., Li C., Hochholdinger F. (2016) Root type specific reprogramming of maize pericycle transcriptomes by local high nitrate results in disparate lateral root branching patterns. Plant Physiol. 170: 1783-98.
PubMed  Free Article

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