Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Peter Schulze Lammers on "From mechanization to digitalization - chances and challenges for ...
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Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Wolfgang Büscher on "Technologies for animal welfare" via Zoom.
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Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Gabriel Schaaf on "New Technologies in Plant Breeding: Potentials and Limitations" via Zoom.
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Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Josef Garvi on "Sahel Foods - alternative food sources in arid environments" via Zoom.
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Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Miriam Athmann on "Agroecology - more than organic production" via Zoom.
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Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Simone K. Kriesemer on "Edible insects as food and feed - potentials and limitations" via Zoom.
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The next PhenoRob Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (PILS) will be by Annaliese Mason on the topic “Plant Breeding".
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Öffentliche Ringvorlesung mit Dr. Gesa Maschkowski, Bonn im Wandel: "Bonn4Future - Wir fürs Klima - der Aktionsplan für ein klimaneutrales und lebenswertes ...
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Öffentliche Ringvorlesung mit Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof, Museum Koenig: „Biodiversitätskrise“ (genauer Titel folgt). In der Ringvorlesung „Aspekte der ...
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Öffentliche Ringvorlesung mit Dr. Tina Beuchelt, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Universität Bonn: „Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen der Klimakrise mit ...
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