ARTS Seminar
Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Gabriel Schaaf on "New Technologies in Plant Breeding: Potentials and Limitations" via Zoom.
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ARTS Seminar
Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Wolfgang Büscher on "Technologies for animal welfare" via Zoom.
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ARTS Seminar
Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Peter Schulze Lammers on "From mechanization to digitalization - chances and challenges for ...
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ARTS Seminar
Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Katharina Prost on "Linking circular economy and climate-smart agriculture" via Zoom.
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ARTS Seminar
Lecture series on current topics of resource management with Aimee von Wynsberghe on "Ethical considerations of modern technilogies" via Zoom.
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Plant Science Colloquium with Dr. Fabian Nies
The complete set of genes for the ability to take up DNA from the environment via natural transformation termed natural competence, is present in the major ...
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Einfluss von Wurzelhaaren und Lateralwurzeln auf das Maiswachstum
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Agrarkarrieretag 2023
Beim Agrarkarrieretag an der Universität Bonn präsentieren sich führende Unternehmen aus der Agrarwirtschaft. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Agrarstudenten ...
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