In a joint effort with the plant nutrition group of Xinping Chen from the College of Resources and Environmental Sciences of Southwest University in China and scientists from 16 universities and institutes, our recent work is now online in Nature Plants.

Gene im Dornröschenschlaf

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Universität Bonn provozieren natürliche Erbgutveränderungen in Maispflanzen: Mit einem Enzym aktivieren sie „springende Gene“, die die Sequenz der Keimlinge verändern. Inzwischen haben sie eine riesige Datenbank mit möglichen Mutationen aufgebaut. Sie kann dazu beitragen, die Funktionen der Maisgene aufzuklären und damit eine Grundlage für künftige Züchtungen der wichtigen Kulturpflanze zu legen.

BonnMu collection is still expanding

The latest BonnMu release (as of 08-17-2020) adds > 5,000 genes tagged by Mu transposons. Our BonnMu collection is still expanding to archive genes tagged by germinal Mu insertions.

New publication

C. Marcon, F. Hochholdinger and colleagues published a research article in Plant Physiology on BonnMu: the novel Europe based Mutator (Mu) transposon insertional library.


Baldauf and Hochholdinger published a research article in the Journal of Experimental Botany on the robustness of hybrid-associated gene expression patterns during primary root development.

Graduate celebrations of the University of Bonn

Our former master students Verena Müller, Yan Naing Win and Annika Kortz attended the annual graduate celebrations of the University of Bonn. All three continue their work in our group as PhD students.

Visit at Southwest University in China

Frank Hochholdinger and Peng Yu visited their collaborator Xinping Chen at Southwest University (SWU).

Discussion on genome editing

Frank Hochholdinger presented his talk on Friday, the 17th of May 2019 at the Evangelische Akademie Villigst in Schwerte.

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