17-23-3-202Prof. Armin Djamei and his group at the Department for Plant Pathology focus their research on fungal plant pathogen interactions and plant immunity, using a broad spectrum of molecular genetic, biochemical, bioinfor-matic and synthetic biology approaches. Please also visit our website: https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pflanzenpathologie/en/research Here we offer a fully funded PhD position: PhD student (Research Scientist 65%) (The position is limited to three years) The goal of this PhD project will be different synthetic biology approaches to be established in a microalgae system. More information will be given during the interview.https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/de/inres/pdf/stellenangebote/17-23-3-202.pdf/viewhttps://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/++resource++plone-logo.svg
Prof. Armin Djamei and his group at the Department for Plant Pathology focus their research on fungal plant pathogen interactions and plant immunity, using a broad spectrum of molecular genetic, biochemical, bioinfor-matic and synthetic biology approaches. Please also visit our website: https://www.inres.uni-bonn.de/pflanzenpathologie/en/research Here we offer a fully funded PhD position: PhD student (Research Scientist 65%) (The position is limited to three years) The goal of this PhD project will be different synthetic biology approaches to be established in a microalgae system. More information will be given during the interview.