The next PhenoRob Public Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (PILS) will be given by Ute Nöthlings on the topic “The Concept of Sustainable Diets in Nutrition ...
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The next PhenoRob Public Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (PILS) will be given by Ina Danquah on the topic “Establishing cohort studies in the Global South: ...
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The next PhenoRob Public Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (PILS) will be given by Dr. Melanie Braun on the topic “Plastics in soil: analytical methods and data ...
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The next PhenoRob Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (PILS) will be held by Nicolas Brüggemann on the topic “AGRASIM: a new research facility at IBG-3 for ...
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