Dr. Jan Ellenberger has been KoGa coordinator since January. He studied agricultural sciences in Bonn, worked as a research assistant in the KoGa project TOMRES from 2019 to 2021, and received his PhD from the Chair of Horticultural Sciences in 2022.
Passing on the KoGa coordination Passing on the KoGa coordination
After eight years as coordinator of the Competence Center Horticulture (KoGa), Dr.Hannah Jaenicke has handed over her duties at the end of 2022.
The KoGa would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Jaenicke once again, who has given the KoGa a face over all these years, has shown a lot of presence and has been involved in numerous third-party funded projects. Thank you, Hannah, and a similarly good hand in your future tasks!

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Dr. Jan Ellenberger
Campus Klein-Altendorf 2
53359 Rheinbach
Tel: 02225-9808735
E-Mail: info@Ko-Ga.eu