The Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation
was founded in 2005 by a consolidation of several institutes with the goal of coordinating and focusing research and teaching in the field of crop production and resource conservation.
The research of the 15 professors and several independent research groups is directed at a wide field ranging from soil science, microbiology, plant pathology, molecular physiological basis of stress resistance, functional genome analyses, plant breeding and crop production.
From Sep 2nd to Sep 4th the annual conference of the German Society for Plant Nutrition (DGP) was held in the beautiful Poppelsdorf Castle. The conference was locally hosted and organized by the INRES -Plant Nutrition.
There have never been so many ERC Starting Grants at once at the University of Bonn: no fewer than seven researchers have been successful with their applications in the highly competitive European Research Council (ERC) funding process. With their funding of some €1.5 million each, the researchers from the fields of ethics, mathematics, economics, soil science, computer science and astronomy will be able to realize their projects over the next five years.
Leaving some weeds between crops can help to combat pests on agricultural land, according to a new study carried out by the University of Bonn. This step has particularly positive effects in combination with other measures: the cultivation of different types of crops and planting strips of wildflowers. The results have now been published in the Journal of Pest Science.
The European Horticulture Congress in May 2024 in Bucharest, Romania attracted 700 participants from 67 countries. The congress was held in the Palace of Parliament, the largest administrative building (for civil use) worldwide built for Nicolae Ceauşescu. After 4 European congresses as ‘SHE’ in Vienna, Angers, Chania and Stuttgart (online), this 5th European congress was renamed EHC in line with the IHC (International Horticultural Congress).
INRES - Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation
Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Armin Djamei
Karlrobert-Kreiten-Strasse 13
53115 Bonn