© Niklas Frase
Jan Niklas Frase
Utilization of biomass for biobased products (paper, packaging)
Research Projects
- EFRE-FIS: Kompetenzschwerpunkt Biobasierte Produkte (2017-2020)
- Havelt, T., Frase, N., Pude, R., Schmitz, M. (2020): Characterisation of bioactive ingredients in extracts of fresh and dried coniferous trees for the development of sustainable packaging materials. Processes 2020, 8(11), 1366; https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8111366
- Korte, I., Kreyenschmidt, J., Wensing, J., Bröring, S., Frase, J.N., Pude, R., Konow, C., Havelt, T., Rumpf, J., Schmitz, M., Schulze, M. (2021). Can Sustainable Packaging Help to Reduce Food Waste? A Status Quo Focusing Plant-Derived Polymers and Additives. Appl. Sci., 11(11), 5307. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11115307