Md. Amirul Islam
INRES - Plant Nutrition
Karlrobert-Kreiten-Strasse 13
D-53115 Bonn
+49 228 73-1678
Research interests
Shift in cropping systems, supply-demand synchrony and nutrient management, grain filling physiology
Seit 2021
PhD Student at University of Bonn funded by ATSAF Academy-Plant Nutrition
Master of Science at Bangladesh Agricultural University- Crop Botany
Bachelor of Science (Honours) at Patuakhali Science and Technology University-Agriculture
Positions held
Assistant Research Associate at International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) in Bangladesh
Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA), https://csisa.org
Spurring a Transformation for Agriculture through Remote Sensing (STARS), https://www.stars-project.org/en/
Research Assistant at Bangladesh Agricultural University
Selected publications
Islam M.A., Pariyar S., Krupnik T.J., Becker M. (2024). Changing trends in crop management practices and performance attributes of rice-based systems of coastal Bangladesh. Frontiers in Agronomy, 6:1397474. https://doi.org/10.3389/fagro.2024.1397474
Islam M.A., De R.K., Hossain M.A., Haque M.S., Uddin M.N., Fakir M.S.A., Kader M.A., Dessoky E.S., Attia A.O., El-Hallous E.I., Hossain A. (2021) Evaluation of the Tolerance Ability of Wheat Genotypes to Drought Stress: Dissection through Culm-Reserves Contribution and Grain Filling Physiology. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1252. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11061252
Islam M.A., Fakir M.S.A., Hossain M.A., Sathi M.A. (2021) Genotypic variation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in grain filling and contribution of culm reserves to yield. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 50(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.3329/bjb.v50i1.52671
Karim M.R., Islam M.A., Hossain M.A., Hasan A.K., Haque M.S. (2020) Heat Stress Differentially Regulates Wheat Genotypes in Respect of the Contribution of Culm Reserves to Grain Yield. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 18(4): 894–900. https://doi.org/10.5455/JBAU.127741
Hassan M.J., Karim M.M., Islam M.A., Pramanik M.H.R., Hossain M.A. (2019) Changes in root porosity and water soluble carbohydrates in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under submergence stress. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 17(4), 539–544. https://doi.org/10.3329/jbau.v17i4.44623
Karim M.M., Islam M.A., Rana M.R., Hossain M.A., Kader M.A. (2018) Screening of barley genotypes for drought tolerance based on culm reserves contribution to grain yield. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 16(1), 62–66. https://doi.org/10.3329/jbau.v16i1.36482
Sarwar A.K.M.G., Sohel S.A., Islam M.A., Ashrafuzzaman M. (2017) Pollen characteristics and yield performances of rice as influenced by air temperature and relative humidity. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 46(3): 947–954.
Islam M.A., Sarwar A.K.M.G., Hossain M.A. (2016) Grain filling and contribution of culm reserves to grain yield in rice. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 45(5): 995–1001.