Prof. Dr. Armin Djamei

Education and training
10/2020 – ongoing Professor of Plant Pathology at the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), University of Bonn
01/2019 – 09/2020 Group leader at the IPK, Group Biotrophy & Immunity, Gatersleben, Germany
09/2013 – 12/2019 Junior Group leader at the GMI, Gregor Mendel Institute of molecular plant biology in Vienna, Austria
12/2017 State doctorate at the University of Vienna (Genetics)
09/2007 - 08/2013 Postdoctoral fellow, in the laboratory of Prof. Regine Kahmann, Max Planck Institute for terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg, Germany.
03/2007 - 08/2007 Postdoctoral fellow, in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Heribert Hirt, Max Perutz laboratories, Vienna, Austria.
05/2003 - 02/2007 PhD studies as a fellow of the international PhD-program of the Vienna Biocenter, University of Vienna, Austria.
Thesis conducted in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Heribert Hirt, Max Perutz laboratories, Vienna, Austria.
2002-2003 Diploma student in the laboratory of Prof. Alfred. Batschauer, university of Marburg, Germany,
1998-2003 Studies of Biology with the main focus on biochemistry, cell-biology, microbiology and plant physiology, Philipps University of Marburg, Germany.
Honors and Awards
2014 ERC-Starting Grant
2007-2008 Schrödinger Fellowship
2007 VBC PHD AWARD for outstanding PhD thesis.
2000-2003 Study-scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Peer Reviewed Publications of the last 3 Years
- Darino M., Chia K-S., Marques J., Aleksza D., Soto-Jiménez L. M., Saado I., Uhse S., Borg M., Betz R., Bindics J., Zienkiewicz K., Feussner I., Petit-Houdenot Y., Djamei A.(2020) Ustilago maydis effector Jsi1 interacts with Topless corepressor, hijacking plant JA/ET signalling, New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/nph.17116
- Sean P. Gordon, Bruno Contreras-Moreira, Joshua J. Levy, Armin Djamei, Angelika Czedik-Eysenberg, Virginia S. Tartaglio, Adam Session, Joel Martin, Amy Cartwright, Andrew Katz, Vasanth R. Singan, Eugene Goltsman, Kerrie Barry, Vinh Ha Dinh-Thi, Boulos Chalhoub, Antonio Diaz-Perez, Ruben Sancho, Joanna Lusinska, Elzbieta Wolny, Candida Nibau, John H. Doonan, Luis A. J. Mur, Chris Plott, Jerry Jenkins, Samuel P. Hazen, Scott J. Lee, Shengqiang Shu, David Goodstein, Daniel Rokhsar, Jeremy Schmutz, Robert Hasterok, Pilar Catalan & John P. Vogel, 2020, Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors Nature Communications DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17302-5
- Alcântara A., Seitner D., Navarrete F. and Djamei A., 2020 A high-throughput screening method to identify proteins involved in unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum in plants, Plant Methods DOI: 10.1186/s13007-020-0552-3
- Słomińska-Durdasiak K. M., Kollers S., Korzun V., Nowara D., Schweizer P., Djamei A., Reif J. C., 2020, Association mapping of wheat Fusarium head blight resistance-related regions using a candidate-gene approach and their verification in a biparental population Theoretical and Applied Genetics DOI: 10.1007/s00122-019-03463-5
- Bosch J., Czedik-Eysenberg A., Hastreiter M., Khan M., Güldener U. and Djamei A. 2019, Two Is Better Than One: Studying Ustilago bromivora–Brachypodium Compatibility by Using a Hybrid Pathogen, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, DOI: 10.1094/MPMI-05-19-0148-R
- Alcântara A., Bosch J., Nazari F., Hoffmann G., Gallei M., Uhse S., Darino M., Olukayode T., Reumann D., Baggaley L., and Djamei A. (2019) Systematic Y2H Screening Reveals Extensive Effector-Complex Formation. Frontiers in Plant Science, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01437
- Uhse S., Pflug F., von Haeseler A., Djamei, A. (2019) Insertion pool sequencing for insertional mutant analysis in complex host-microbe interactions. Current Protocols
- Han X., Altegoer F, Steinchen W, Binnebesel L, Schuhmacher J, Glatter T, Giammarinaro P, Djamei A, Rensing SA, Reissmann S, Kahmann R, Bange G. (2019) A kiwellin disarms the metabolic activity of a secreted fungal virulence factor. Nature. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0857-9
- Seitner D., Uhse S., Gallei M. and Djamei A. (2018) The Core Effector Cce1 is Required for Early Infection of Maize by Ustilago maydis. Molecular Plant Pathology, doi: 10.1111/mpp.12698
- Uhse S. and Djamei A. (2018), Effectors of plant pathogenic fungi and beyond. Plos Pathogens, invited Plos Pearls Review,
Uhse S., Pflug F., Stirnberg A., Ehrlinger K., Haeseler A. and Djamei A. (2018) In vivo Insertion Pool Sequencing Identifies Virulence Factors in a Complex Fungal-Host Interaction. Plos Biology, - Czedik-Eysenberg A., Seitner S., Güldener U., Koemeda S., Jez J., Colombini M. and Djamei A. (2018) The “Phenobox”, a flexible, automated, open-source plant phenotyping solution. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.15129. PubMed PMID: 29621393