Oerke, EC; Steiner, U. (2024)
Hyperspectral imaging reveals small-scale water gradients in apple leaves due to minimal cuticle perforation by Venturia inaequalis conidiophores.
https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae065 Journal of Experimental Botany 75 (10), 3125-3140
Steiner, U., Oerke, EC. (2024)
The hemibiotrophic apple scab fungus Venturia inaequalis induces a biotrophic interface but lacks a necrotrophic stage.
https://doi.org/10.3390/jof10120831 Journal of Fungi 10, 831

Khan M. and Djamei A. (2024)
TOPLESS Corepressors as an Emerging Hub of Plant Pathogen Effectors
Khan M., Uhse S., Bindics J., Kogelmann B., Nagarajan N., Tabassum R., Ingole K., Djamei A. (2024)
Tip of the iceberg? Three novel TOPLESS-interacting effectors of the gall-inducing fungus Ustilago maydis
W. Maina A., Oerke E.-C. (2024)
Hyperspectral imaging for quantifying Magnaporthe oryzae sporulation on rice genotypes
Wanjiku Maina A., Becker M., Oerke C.-E. (2024)
Assessing Interactions between Nitrogen Supply and Leaf Blast in Rice by Hyperspectral Imaging
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16060939 Remote Sensing
Küpper V., Kortekamp A., Steiner U. (2023).
Combining Trichoderma koningiopsis and chitosan as a synergistic biocontrol and biostimulating complex to reduce copper rates for downy mildew control on grapevine.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2023.105293. Biological Control
Huang L., Ökmen B., Stolze S.Ch., Kastl M., Khan M., Hilbig D., Nakagami H., Djamei A., Doehlemann G. (2023)
The fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis targets the maize corepressor RELK2 to modulate host transcription for tumorigenesis
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19448 New Phytologist
Nagarajan N., Khan M., Djamei A (2023)
Manipulation of Auxin Signaling by Smut Fungi during Plant Colonization
https://doi.org/10.3390/jof9121184 Journal of Fungi
W. Maina A., Oerke C.-E. (2023)
Characterization of Rice-Magnaporthe oryzae Interactions by Hyperspectral Imaging
https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-10-22-2294-RE Plant Disease
Khan M., Djamei A. (2023)
Co-immunoprecipitation based identification of effector-host protein interactions from pathogen-infected plant tissue. Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2690:87-100.
Huang L., Ökmen B., Stolze S.Ch., Kastl M., Khan M., Hilbig D., Nakagami H., Djamei A., Doehlemann G. (2023)
The fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis targets the maize corepressor TPL2 to modulate host transcription for tumorigenesis.
Khan M., Uhse S., Bindics J., Kogelmann B., Nagarajan N., Ingole Kishor D., Djamei A. (2023)
Tip of the iceberg? Three novel TOPLESS interacting effectors of the gall-inducing fungus Ustilago maydis.
A. Djamei (2023)
Ustilago maydis
Article in: Current Biology | Volume 33 | Issue 11 | Page R458-R460 | Published JUN 5 2023
Müller Y., Patwari P., Stöcker T., Zeisler-Diehl V., Steiner U., Campoli C., Grewe L., Kuczkowska M., Dierig M., Jose S., Hetherington A. M., Acosta I.F., Schoof H., Schreiber L., Dörmann P. (2023)
Isolation and characterization of the gene HvFAR1 encoding acyl-CoA reductase from the cer-za.227 mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare) and analysis of the cuticular barrier functions. New Phytologist
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.19063 New Phytologist
Stilgenbauer S., · Simões K., Craig I.R., · Brahm L., Steiner U., · Stammler G. (2023)
New CYP51 genotypes in Phakopsora pachyrhizi have different effects on DMI sensitivity
https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-023-00757-1Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
Brugger A., Ispizua Yamati F., Barreto A., Paulus S., Schramowsk P., Kersting K., Steiner U., Neugart S., Mahlein A-K. (2023)
Hyperspectral Imaging in the UV Range Allows for Differentiation of Sugar Beet Diseases Based on Changes in Secondary Plant Metabolities
Oerke E.-C., Juraschek, L. M., Steiner U. (2023)
Hyperspectral mapping of the response of grapevine cultivars to Plasmopara viticola infection at the tissue scale
https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac390Journal of Experimental Botany
Steiner U. and Oerke E.-C. (2023)
A Melanin-Deficient Isolate of Venturia inaequalis Reveals Various Roles of Melanin in Pathogen Life Cycle and Fitness
https://doi.org/10.3390/jof9010035Journal of Fungi
Djamei A., Depotter J., Saridis G., Prokchorchik M., Barghahn S., De Sousa Teixeira E. Silva N., Zuo W., Misas Villamil J., Doehlemann G. (2023)
Modulation of Host Immunity and Development by Ustilago maydis.
Khan M., Djamei A. (2022)
Performing Infection Assays of Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. Zea in Maize. Methods Mol Biol. 2022 ;2494:291-298. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2297-1_20
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2297-1_20 Springer
Küpper V., Steiner U., Kortekampa A. (2022)
Trichoderma species isolated from grapevine with tolerance towards common copper fungicides used in viticulture for plant protection
https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6951Pest Management Science
Stilgenbauer S., Steiner U., Stammler G. (2022)
Generating single spore isolates of Phakopsora pachyrhizi for a better understanding of fungicide resistance mechanisms
https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-022-00606-7 Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
Ingole K.D., Nagarajan N., Uhse S., Giannini C. Djamei A. (2022)
Tetracycline-controlled (TetON) gene expression system for the smut fungus Ustilago maydis.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ffunb.2022.1029114/fullFrontiersin in Fungal Biology
Bindics J., Khan M., Uhse S., Kogelmann B., Baggely L., Reumann D., Ingole K., Stirnberg A., Rybecky A., Darino M., Navarrete F., Doehlemann G., Djamei A. (2022)
Many ways to TOPLESS – manipulation of plant auxin signalling by a cluster of fungal effectors
https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18315New Phytologist
Many ways to TOPLESS– manipulation of plant auxin signaling by a cluster of fungal effectors
Bild © PhenoRob / YouTube
Juraschek, L. M., Matera Ch., Steiner U., Oerke E.-C. (2022)
Pathogenesis of Plasmopara viticola depending on resistance mediated by Rpv3_1, and Rpv10 and Rpv3_3, and by the vitality of leaf tissue.
The paper summarizes microscopic studies on differences in the development of Plasmopara viticola, causal agent of downy mildew of grapevine, in leaf tissue depending on the resistance and vitality of tissue.
Saado I., Chia K.S., Betz R., Alcantara A., Pettko-Szandtner A., Navarrete F., D´Auria J.C., Kolomiets M.V., Melzer M., Feussner I., Djamei A. (2022)
Effector-mediated relocalization of a maize lipoxygenase protein triggers susceptibility to Ustilago maydis. The Plant Cell.
https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac105 The Plant Cell
Navarrete F., Gallei M.,Kornienko E. A., Saado I., Khan M., Chia Khong-Sam, Darino A. M., Bindics J., Djamei A. (2021) TOPLESS promotes plant immunity by repressing auxin signaling and is targeted by the fungal effector Naked1. Plant Communications, doi: 10.1016/j.xplc.2021.100269
Darino M., Chia, K.S., Marques, J., Aleksza, D., Santo-Jimenez, L.M., Saado, I., Uhse S., Borg, M., Betz, R, Bindics, J., Zienkiewicz, K., Feussner, I., Petit-Houdenot, Y., Djamei, A. (2021). Ustilago maydis effector Jsi1 interacts with Topless corepressor, hijacking plant jasmonate/ethylene signaling.
New Phytologist, doi.org/10.1111/nph.17116
Naz A.A., Bungartz A., Serfling A., Kamruzzaman M., Schneider M., Wulff B.B.H., Pillen K., Ballvora A., Oerke E.C., Ordon F., Leon J. (2021) Lr21 diversity unveils footprints of wheat evolution and its new role in broad-spectrum leaf rust resistance. Plant Cell & Environment 44, 3445-3458, doi: 10.1111/pce.14144
Navarrete F., Grujic N., Stirnberg A., Saado I., Aleksza D., Gallei M., Adi H., Alcântara A., Khan M., Bindics J., Trujillo M., Djamei A. (2021) The Pleiades are a cluster of fungal effectors that inhibit host defenses.Plos Pathogens, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009641.
Alisaac E., Rathgeb A., Karlovsky P., Mahlein A.-K. (2021) Fusarium head blight: Effect of infection timing on spread of Fusarium graminearum and spatial distribution of deoxynivalenol within wheat spikes. Microorganisms, doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9010079
Brugger A., Schramowski P., Paulus P., Steiner U., Kersting K., Mahlein A.-K. (2021) Spectral signatures in the UV range can be combined with secondary plant metabolites by deep learning to characterize barley-powdery mildew interaction Wiley Plant Pathology doi:1111ppa.13411
Breiing V., Hillmer J., Schmidt C., Petry M., Behrends B., Steiner U., Kraska T., Pude R. (2021) Fungicidal efficacy of drying plant oils in green beans against bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) Plants, 10(1), doi: 10.3390/plants10010143
Pathi, K.M., Rink, P, Budhagatapalli, N., Betz, R., Saado, I., Hiekel, S, Becker, M, Djamei, A, Kumlehn, J. (2020) Engineering smut resistance in maize by site-directed mutagenesis of LIPOXYGENASE 3. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.543895
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Gordon S., B., Contreras-Moreira, J., Levy, J., Djamei, A., Czedik-Eysenberg, A., Tartaglio, V.S., Session, A., Martin, J., Cartwright, A., Katz, A., Singan, V.R., Goltsman, E., Barry, K., Ha Dinh-Thi, V., Chalhoub, B.,
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Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors. Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17302-5
Alcântara, A., Seitner, D., Navarrete, F., Djamei, A. (2020)
A high-throughput screening method to identify proteins involved in unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum in plants.
Plant Methods, doi: 10.1186/s13007-020-0552-3
Pogoda M, Liu F, Douchkov D, Djamei A, Reif JC, Schweizer P, Schulthess AW. (2020)Identification of novel genetic factors underlying the host-pathogen interaction between barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei). PLoS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0235565.
Słomińska-Durdasiak, K. M., Kollers, S., Korzun, V., Nowara, D., Schweizer, P., Djamei A., Reif, J.C. (2020). Association mapping of wheat Fusarium head blight resistance-related regions using a candidate-gene approach and their verification in a biparental population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, doi: 10.1007/s00122-019-03463-5
Oerke E.-C. (2020) Remote sensing of diseases. Annual Review of Phytopathology. 58:225-52; eprintURL:http://www.annualreviews.org/eprint/GWS2PDWRDIUYDEI8NTTA/full/10.1146/annurev-phyto-010820-012832
Kuska, M.T., Behmann, J., Namini, M., Oerke, E.-C., Steiner, U., Mahlein, A.-K. (2019)
Discovering coherency of specific gene expression and optical reflectance properties of barley genotypes differing for resistance reactions against powdery mildew.
PLOS ONE 14(3): e0213291
Oerke, E., Leucker, M., Steiner, U. (2019)
Sensory assessment of Cercospora beticola sporulation for phenotyping the partial disease resistance of sugar beet genotypes.
Plant Methods 15, 133, doi: 10.1186/s13007-019-0521-x
Bohnenkamp, D., Behmann, J., Mahlein, A.K. (2019)
In-field detection of yellow rust in wheat on the ground canopy and UAV scale.
Remote Sensing 11(21), 2495
Mahlein, A.-K., Alisaac, E., Al Masri, A., Behmann, J., Dehne, H.-W., Oerke, E.-C. (2019)
Comparison and combination of thermal, fluorescence and hyperspectral imaging for monitoring. Fusarium head blight of wheat on spikelet scale. Sensors 19, 2281
Alisaac, E., Behmann, J., Rathgeb, A., Karlovsky, P., Dehne, H.-W., Mahlein, A.-K.(2019)
Assessment of Fusarium infection and mycotoxin contamination of wheat kernels and flour using hyperspectral imaging. Toxins, 11, 556
Bohnenkamp, D., Kuska, M.T., Mahlein, A.-K., Behmann, J. (2019)
Hyperspectral signal decomposition and sympton detection of wheat rust disease at the leaf scale using pure fungal spore spectra as reference.
Plant Pathology 68, 1188-1195
Brugger, A., Behmann, J., Paulus, S., Luigs, H.-G., Kuska, M.T., Schramowski, P.,
Kersting, K., Steiner, U., Mahlein, A.-K. (2019)
Extending hyperspectral imaging for plant phenotyping to the UV-range.
Remote Sensing 11, 1401
Mahlein, A.-K., Kuska, M.T., Thomas, S., Wahabzada, M., Behmann, J.,
Rascher, U., Kersting, K. (2019)
Quantitative and qualitative phenotyping of disease resistance of crops by hyperspectral sensors: seamless interlocking of phytopathology, sensors, and machine learning is needed!
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 50:156-162
Mahlein, A.-K., Kuska, M.T., Behmann, J., Paulus, S. (2019)
New trends of digital technologies – opportunities for sugar beet cultivation.
International Sugar Journal 121 (1442): 134-136
Steiner, U., Leistner, E. (2018)
Ergot alkaloids and their hallucinogenic potential in morning glories.
Planta Medical 84(11):751-758.doi.org/10.1055/a-0577-8049
Kuska, M.T., Behmann, J., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Potential of hyperspectral imaging to detect and identify the impact of chemical warfare compounds on plant tissue.
Pure and Applied Chemistry 90(10), 1615-1624
Mahlein, A.-K., Kuska, M. T., Behmann, J., Polder, G., Walter, A. (2018)
Hyperspectral sensors and imaging technologies in phytopathology: State of the art.
Annual Review of Phytopathology 56, 535-558
Oerke, E.-C. (2018)
Precision crop protection systems.
p 347 - 397 in: J. Stafford (ed.) Precision Agriculture for Sustainability.
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK
Kuska, M.T., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Aiming at decision making in plant disease protection and phenotyping by the use of optical sensors.
Eur J Plant Pathol. 152(4), 987-992
Alisaac, E., Behmann, J., Kuska, M.T., Dehne, H.-W., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Hyperspectral quantification of wheat resistance to Fusarium head blight: comparison of two Fusarium species.
Eur J Plant Pathol. 152(4), 869-884
Behmann, J., Bohnenkamp, D., Paulus., S., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Spatial Referencing of Hyperspectral Images for Tracing of Plant Disease Symptoms .
J. Imaging 4(12),143.
Brugger, A., Kuska, M.T., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Impact of compatible and incompatible barley—Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei interactions on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters.
J Plant Dis Prot. 125(2), 177-186
Kuska, M.T., Behmann, J., Grosskinsky, D. K., Roitsch, T., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Screening of barley resistance against powdery mildew by simultaneous high-throughput enzyme activity signature profiling and multispectral imaging.
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1074
Thomas, S., Behmann, J., Steier, A., Kraska, T., Muller, O., Rascher, U., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Qantitative assessment of disease severity and rating of barley cultivars based on hyperspectral imaging in a non-invasive, automated phenotyping platform
Plant Methods 14:45
Leistner E., Steiner U. (2018)
The Genus Periglandula and its symbiotum with morning glory plants (Convolvulaceae).
p 131-147 in: Anke T., Schüffler A. (eds.) Physiology and Genetics. The Mycota
(A Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as Experimental Systems for Basic and Applied Research), vol 15. Springer, Cham
Behmann, J., Acebron, K., Emin, D., Bennertz, S., Matsubara, S., Thomas, S., Bohnenkamp, D., Kuska, M.T., Jussila, J., Salo, H., Mahlein, A.-K., Rascher, U.(2018)
Specim IQ: Evaluation of a New, Miniaturized Handheld Hyperspectral Camera and Its Application for Plant Phenotyping and Disease Detection.
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Transmission of Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid by Myzus persicae assisted by Potato leafroll virus.
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Thomas, S., Kuska, M.T., Bohnenkamp, D., Brugger, A., Alisaac, E., Wahabzada, M., Behmann, J., Mahlein, A.-K. (2018)
Benefits of hyperspectral imaging for plant disease detection and plant protection: a technical perspective.
J Plant Dis Prot. 125(1), 5-20
Hallau, L., Neumann, M., Blatt, B., Kleinhenz, B., Klein, T., Kuhn, C., Röhring, M., Bauckhage, C., Kersting, K., Mahlein, A-K., Steiner, U., Oerke, E-C. (2018)
Automated identification of sugar beet diseases using smartphones.
Plant Pathology 67(2), 399-410
Wahabzada M., Besser M., Khosravani M., Kuska, M.T., Kersting, K., Mahlein, A.-K., Stürmer, E. (2017)
Monitoring wound healing in a 3D wound model by hyperspectral imaging and efficient clustering.
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Kuska, M. T., Brugger, A., Thomas, S., Wahabzada, M., Kersting, K., Oerke, E-C., Steiner, U., Mahlein, A-K., (2017)
Spectral patterns reveal early resistance reactions of barley against Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei.
Phytopathology 107,1388-1398
Leucker, M., Wahabzada, M., Kersting, K., Peter, M., Beyer, W., Steiner, U., Mahlein, A-K., Oerke, E-C. (2017)
Hyperspectral imaging reveals the effect of sugar beet QTLs on Cercospora leaf spot resistance.
Functional Plant Biology 44 (1), 1-9
Wedeking, R., Mahlein, A-K., Steiner, U., Wimmer, M., Oerke, E-C., Goldbach, H. (2017)
Osmotic adjustment of young sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L.) under progressive drought stress and subsequent rewatering assessed by metabolite analysis and infrared thermography.
Functional Plant Biology 44 (1), 119-133
Thomas, S., Wahabzada, M., Kuska, M., Rascher, U., Mahlein, A-K. (2017)
Observation of plant-pathogen interaction by simultaneous hyperspectral imaging reflection and transmission measurements.
Functional Plant Biology 44 (1), 23-34
Al Masri, A., Hau, B., Dehne, H-W., Mahlein, A-K., Oerke, E-C. (2017)
Impact of primary infection site of Fusarium species on head blight development in wheat ears evaluated by IR-thermography.
European Journal of Plant Pathology 147 (4), 855-868
Oerke, E-C., Herzog, K., Toepfer, R. (2016)
Hyperspectral phenotyping of the reaction of grapevine genotypes to Plasmopara viticola.
Journal of Experimental Botany 67, 5529-43
Behmann J., Mahlein A.-K., Paulus S., Kuhlmann H., Oerke E.-C., Plümer L. (2016)
Generation and application of hyperspectral 3D plant models: methods and challenges.
Machine Vision and Applications,27 (5), 611-624
Meressa, B-H., Dehne, H-W., Hallmann, J. (2016)
Population dynamics and damage potential of Meloidogyne hapla to rose rootstock species.
Journal of Phytopathology 164 (10), 711-851
Nguyen, T.T.X, Dehne, H-W., Steiner, U. (2016)
Histopathological assessment of the infection of maize leaves by Fusarium graminearum, F. proliferatum, and F. verticillioides
Fungal Biology 120 (9), 1094-1104
Nguyen, T.T.X, Dehne, H-W., Steiner, U. (2016)
Maize leaf trichomes represent an entry point of infection for Fusarium species.
Fungal Biology 120 (8), 895-903
Kersting K., Bauckhage C., Wahabzada W., Mahlein A-K., Steiner U, Oerke E-C, Römer C., Plümer L. (2016)
Feeding the World with Big Data: Uncovering Spectral Characteristics and Dynamics of Stressed Plants.
Computational Sustainability 645, pp 99-120
Wahabzada M., Mahlein A.-K., Bauckhage C., Steiner U., Oerke E.-C., Kersting K.(2016)
Plant phenotyping using probabilistic topic models: Uncovering the hyperspectral language of plants.
Scientific Reports 6:22482 doi:10.1038/srep22482
Mahlein A.-K. (2016)
Plant disease detection by imaging sensors - parallels and specific demands for precision agriculture and plant phenotyping.
Plant Disease 100 (2), 241-251
Leucker M., Mahlein A.-K., Steiner U., Oerke E.-C. (2016)
Improvement of lesion phenotyping in Cercospora beticola - sugar beet interaction by hyperspectral imaging.
Phytopathology 106 (2), 177-184
Steiner, U., Hellwig neé Kucht, S., Ahimsa-Müller, M.A., Grundmann, N., Li, S-M., Drewke, C., Leistner, E. (2015)
The key role of peltate glandular trichomes in symbiota comprising clavicipiataceous fungi of the genus perigkandula and their host plants.
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Dupuis, J., Paulus, S., Mahlein, A.-K., Kuhlmann, H., Eichert, T.(2015)
The impact of different leaf surface tissues on active 3D laser triangulation measurements.
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Mahlein A.-K., Hammersley S., Oerke E.-C., Dehne H.-W., Goldbach H., Grieve B. (2015)
Supplemental blue LED lightning array to improve the signal quality in hyperspectral imaging of plants.
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Wahabzada M., Paulus S., Kersting K., Mahlein A.-K. (2015)Automated interpretation of 3D laserscanned point clouds for plant organ segmentation.
BMC Bioinformatics, 16:248
Behmann J., Mahlein A.-K., Paulus S., Kuhlmann H., Oerke E.-C., Plümer L. (2015)
Calibration of hyperspectral close-range pushbroom cameras for plant phenotyping.
ISPRS, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 106, 172-182
Behmann J., Mahlein A.-K., Paulus S., Kuhlmann H., Oerke E.-C., Plümer L. (2015)
Generation and application of hyperspectral 3D plant models.
Computer Vision - ECCV 2014 Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8928, 2015, pp 117-130
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Behmann J., Mahlein A.-K., Rumpf T., Römer C., Plümer L. (2015)
A review of advanced machine learning methods for the detection of biotic stress in precision crop protection.
Precision Agriculture 16:239-260
Kuska M., Wahabzada M., Leucker M., Dehne H.-W., Kersting K., Oerke E.-C., Steiner U., Mahlein A.-K. (2015)
Hyperspectral phenotyping on the microscopic scale: towards automated characterization of plant-pathogen interactions.
Plant Methods 11:28 doi:10.1186/s13007-015-0073-7
Wahabzada M., Mahlein A.-K., Bauckhage C., Steiner U., Oerke E.-C., Kersting K. (2015)
Metro Maps of Plant Disease Dynamics - Automated Mining of Differences Using Hyperspectral Images.
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Meressa B.H., Heuer H., Dehne H.-W., Hallmann J. (2014)
First report of the Root Knot Nematode Meloidogyne hapla Parasitizing Roses in Ethiopia.
Plant Disease 98 (9), 1286, http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/abs/10.1094/PDIS-04-14-0383-PDN
Oerke E.-C., Mahlein A.-K., Steiner U. (2014)
Proximal Sensing of Plant Diseases.
Gullino M. L., Bonants P. J. M. (eds.), Detection and Diagnostics of Plant Pathogens. Plant Pathology in the 21st Century, vol. 5, 55 - 68.
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Characterization of Glyphosate Resistance in Amaranthus tuberculatus Populations.
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Paulus S., Behmann J., Mahlein A.-K., Plümer L., Kuhlmann H. (2014)
Low-Cost 3D Systems: Suitable Tools for Plant Phenotyping.
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Berdugo C. A., Zito R., Paulus S., Mahlein A.-K. (2014)
Fusion of sensor data for the detection and differentiation of plant diseases in cucumber.
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Guo Z., Döll K., Dastjerdi R., Karlovsky P., Dehne H.-W., Altınçiçek B. (2014)
Effect of Fungal Colonization of Wheat Grains with Fusarium spp. on Food Choice, Weight Gain and Mortality of Meal Beetle Larvae (Tenebrio molitor).
PLoS ONE 9 (6); e100112. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100112
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Mahlein A-K., Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Dehne H-W. (2012)
Recent advances in sensing plant diseases for precision crop protection.
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Mahlein A-K., Steiner U., Hillnhütter C., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2012)
Hyperspectral imaging for small-scale analysis of symptoms caused by different sugar beet diseases.
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Wagacha J.M., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W., Steiner U. (2012)
Colonization of wheat seedling leaves by Fusarium species as observed in growth chambers: a role as inoculum for head blight infection?
Fungal Ecology 5 (5), 581-590.
Wagacha J.M., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W., Steiner U. (2012)
Interactions of Fusarium species during prepenetration development.
Fungal Biology 116 (7), 836-847.
Berdugo C.A., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2012)
Effect of bixafen on senescence and yield formation of wheat.
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Airborne hyperspectral imaging of spatial soil organic carbon heterogeneity at the field-scale.
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Oerke E-C, Fröhling P., Steiner U. (2011)
Thermographic assessment of scab disease on apple leaves.
Precision Agriculture 12, 699-715.
Hillnhütter C., Sikora R.A., Oerke E.-C., van Dusschoten D. (2011)
Nuclear magnetic resonance: a tool for imaging belowground damage caused by Heterodera schachtii and Rhizoctonia solani on sugar beet.
Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (1), 319-327
Hillnhütter C., Mahlein A-K., Sikora R.A., Oerke E-C. (2011)
Remote sensing to detect plant stress induced by Heterodera schachtii and Rhizoctonia solani in sugar beet fields.
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Hillnhütter C., Mahlein A-K., Sikora R.A., Oerke E-C. (2011)
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Characterisation of immune responses in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum
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Escherichia coli K-12 pathogenicity in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, reveals reduced antibacterial defense in aphids.
Wagacha J.M., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Zuehlke S., Spiteller M., Muthomi J., Oerke E-C. (2010)
Diversity in mycotoxins and fungal species infecting wheat in Nakuru district, Kenya
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Rumpf T., Mahlein A-K., Steiner U., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W., Pluemer L. (2010)
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Goertz A., Zuehlke S., Spiteller M., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Waalwijk C., de Vries I., Oerke E-C. (2010)
Fusarium species and mycotoxin profiles on commercial maize hybrids in Germany
European Journal of Plant Pathology 128: 101-111.
Moradi M., Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Tesfaye D., Schellander K., Dehne H-W. (2010)
Microbiological and Sybr (R) Green real-time PCR detection of major Fusarium head blight pathogens on wheat ears
Microbiology 79: 646-654.
Oerke E-C., Steiner U. (2010)
Potential of digital thermography for disease control
In: E-C. Oerke, R. Gerhards, G. Menz and R.A. Sikora (eds.),
Precision Crop Protection - the Challenge and Use of Heterogeneity. Dordrecht / Netherlands, pp. 167-182.
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Quantifying empirical relations between planted species mixtures and canopy reflectance with PROTEST
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Spatial variability of fusarium head blight pathogens and associated mycotoxins in wheat crops
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Mahlein A-K., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2010)
Spectral signatures of sugar beet leaves for the detection and differentiation of diseases
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Detection of complex soil-borne disease interactions by hyperspectral foliar surface monitoring in sugar beet
Phytopathology S53-S53 (Supplement)
Markert A., Steffan N., Ploss K., Hellweg S., Steiner U., Drewke C., Li S. M., Boland W., Leistner E. (2008)
Biosynthesis and accumulation of ergoline alkaloids in a mutualistic association between Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) and a clavicipitalean fungus
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Müllenborn C., Steiner U., Ludwig M., Oerke E-C. (2008)
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Müllenborn C., Steiner U., Oerke E-C. (2008)
Efficacy of Fungicides against Fusarium Head Blight Pathogens and Saprophytic Fungi
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Görtz A., Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Dehne H-W. (2008)
Incidence and Control of Fusarium Ear Rot of Maize
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds V, 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium,339-344, BCPC, Alton, UK
Wagacha J.M., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W., Steiner U. (2008)
Incidence of Fusarium Species in Kenyan Wheat: Monitoring, Diagnosis and Risk Analysis
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds V, 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium,235-240, BCPC, Alton, UK
Schumacher C.F.A., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2008)
Localized adhesion of non-germinated Venturia inaequalis conidia to leaves and artificial surfaces
Phytopathology 98: 760-768.
Mebrate S.A., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W., Pillen K. (2008)
Mapping of the leaf rust resistance gene Lr38 on wheat chromosome arm 6DL using SSR markers
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Microbiological and molecular assessment of interactions among the major Fusarium head blight pathogens on whear
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Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds V, 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, BCPC, Alton, UK
Mebrate S.A., Dehne H-W., Pillen K., Oerke E-C. (2008)
Postulation of seedling leaf rust resistance genes in selected Ethiopian and German bread wheat cultivars
Crop Science 48: 507-516.
Moradi M., Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Tesfaye D., Schellander K., Dehne H-W. (2008)
Quantification of the Interactions among Fusarium Species in Wheat Ears
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds V, 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium,241-244, BCPC, Alton, UK
Schlang N., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2008)
Spatial Distribution of Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat Fields
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds V, 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, 345-351, BCPC, Alton, UK
Schumacher C. (2007)
Adhäsion und Entwicklung von Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint. Auf Apfel- und Modelloberflächen
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Charakterisierung der Entwicklung von Venturia inaequalis - Isolaten
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Clavicipitaceous Fungi Associated with Ergoline Alkaloid Containing Convolvulaceae
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Lenthe J-H., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W. (2007)
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Efficiency of self-cleaning properties in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
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Stenzel I., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2007)
Occurrence of fungal leaf pathogens in sugar beet fields monitored with digital infrared thermography
J.V. Stafford (ed.): Precision Agriculture ’07. Papers presented at the 6th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
Steiner U., Oerke E-C. (2007)
Partial melanization of appressoria and pathogenicity of Venturia inaequalis.
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Kizilkaya O., Prange A., Steiner U., Oerke E-C., Scott J.D., Morikawa., E, Hormes J. (2007)
The infrared microspectroscopy beamline at CAMD and its application in plant-pathogen interactions.
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Zea mays: Benzoxazolinone detoxification under sulfur deficiency conditions – a complex allelopathic alliance including endophytic Fusarium verticillioides
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Mebrate S.A., Dehne H-W., Pillen K., Oerke E-C. (2006)
Molecular diversity in Puccinia triticina isolates from Ethiopia and Germany
J Phytopathology 154 (11-12), 701-710; DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0434.2006.01177.x
Oerke E.-C. (2006)
Crop losses to animal pests, plant pathogens and weeds
D. Pimentel (ed.) Encyclopedia of Pest Management, DOI: 10.1081/E-EPM-120009897, http://www.dekker.
Oerke E-C. (2006)
Crop losses to pests
J. Agric. Sci. 144: 31-43
Lenthe J.H. (2006)
Erfassung befallsrelevanter Klimafaktoren in Weizenbeständen mit Hilfe digitaler Infrarot-Thermographie
Mebrate S.A., (2006)
Genetic and phenotypic analyses of the wheats Puccinia triticina Eriks. Pathosystem
Steiner U., Ahimsa-Müller M. A., Markert A., Kucht S., Groß J., Knauf N., Zych M., Lamshöft M., Furmanowa M., Knoop V., Drewke C., Leistner E. (2006)
Molecular characterization of a seed transmitted clavicipitaceous fungus occrring on dicotyledeneous plants
Planta 224, 533-544
Bringe K., Schumacher C., Schmitz-Eiberger M., Steiner U., Oerke E-C. (2006)
Ontogenetic variation in chemical and physical characteristics of adaxial apple leaf surface
Phytochemistry 67, 161-170
Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Lindenthal M. (2006)
Thermal imaging of cucumber leaves affected by downy mildew and environmental conditions
J. Exp. Botany 57, 2121 – 2132
Mekuria T., Steiner U., Hindorf H., Frahm J-P., Dehne H-W. (2005)
Bioactivity of bryophyte extracts against Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria solani and Phytophthora infestan
J. Applied Botany and Food Quality 79, 89-93
Lindenthal M., Steiner U., Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C. (2005)
Effect of downy mildew development on transpiration of cucumber leaves visualized by digital infrared thermography
Phytopathology 95, (3) 233-240
Blaeser P., Dehne H.-W., Steiner U. (2005)
Effect of the Plant Extract from Potentilla erecta on Growth and on the Ultrastructure of the Mycelium of Phytopathogens
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds IV, 14th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, April 25-29, 2004, 341-349, BCPC, Alton, UK
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds IV, 14th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, April 25-29, 2004, Fröhling P., Steiner U., Oerke E.-C. (2005)
Influence of temperature on pre- and postinfectional development of Venturia inaequalis isolates
Meyer G. (2005)
Kornbefall durch Fusarium-Arten an Winterweizen in NRW in den Jahren 2001-2003 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Moniliformin-bildender Arten
Dehne H-W., Gisi U., Kuck K.H., Russell P., Lyr H. (2005)
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds IV,368 p.,BCPC, Alton UK
Meyer G., Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Dehne H-W. (2005)
Occurrence of Fusarium species on Winter Wheat in Northrhine-Westfalia 2001-2003
Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds IV, 14th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium, April 25-29, 2004, 341-349, BCPC, Alton, UK
Gachomo E.W. (2005)
Studies of the life cycle of Diplocarpon rosae Wolf on roses and the effectiveness of fungicides on pathogenesis
Lindenthal M. (2005)
Visualisierung der Krankheitsentwicklung von Falschem Mehltau an Gurken durch Pseudoperonospora cubensis mittels Thermographie
Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C., Steiner U. (2004)
Auftreten von Mykotoxinen im Getreide und Vermeidungsstrategien aus Sicht des Pflanzenbaus
Agrarspectrum Schriftenreihe 37, 129-140
Alemu T. (2004)
Characterisation of viruses of pepper (Capsicum spp.) and sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) from Ethiopia
Adunga G. (2004)
Diverstiy in pathogenicity and genetics of Gibberella xylarioides (Fusarium xylarioides) populations and resistance of Coffea spp. in Ethiopia
Diedhiou P.M., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W. (2004)
Effects of strobilurin fungicides azoxystrobin and kresoxim-methyl on arbuscular mycorrhiza.
J. Plant Dis. Protect.111, 545-556
Girma A., Hindorf H., Steiner U., Nirenberg H. I., Dehne H-W., Schellander K. (2004)
Genetic Diversity in the Coffee Wilt Pathogen (Gibberella xylarioides) Populations: Differentiation by Host Specialization and RAPD Analysis
J. Plant Dis. Prot. 112, 134-145
Bölling N. (2004)
Phytopathologische Charakterisierung von Isolaten des Gurkenmosaikvirus
Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W. (2004)
Safeguarding production - pests, losses and crop protection in major crops.
Crop Protection 23, 275-285.
Heger M., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W., Hindorf H. (2003)
Evaluation of an action-threshold based IPM wheat model in Rhineland (Germany) in 1999/2001
EPPO Bulletin 33, 397-401
Dehne H-W. (2003)
Achtung! Nebenwirkungen möglich. Zusatzstoffe zu Fungiziden.
Dlz, 3, 28-34,
Lienemann K. (2003)
Auftreten von Fusarium-Arten an Winterweizen im Rheinland und Möglichkeiten der Befallskontrolle unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Weizensorte
Tadesse M, Steiner U., Hindorf H., Dehne H-W (2003)
Bryophyte extracts with activity against plant pathogenic fungi
SINET Ethiop. J. Sci. 26, 55-62
Metz C. (2003)
Einfluss des Pathogengenotyps auf die antagonistische Wirksamkeit von Ulocladium atrum gegen Botrytis cinerea
Dehne H-W., Oerke E-C., Steiner U. (2003)
Fusarium diseases of wheat.
Biology of fungal pathogens. Vol. 2, Verreet, A. & H. Klink (eds), APS Press USA
Diedhiou P.M., Hallmann J., Oerke E-C. & Dehne H-W. (2003)
Interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and a non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum on Meloidogyne incognita infestation of tomato.
Mycorrhizae 13, 199-204
Lenthe J-H., Oerke E-C., Dehne H-W. (2003)
Thermography as a tool for the forecasting of fungal infections of wheat.
Programme book of the joint conference of ECPA - ECPLF. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL.
Manly A.A.B. (2003)
Untersuchungen zum integrierten Pflanzenschutz im Gurken- und Tomatenanbau
Lindenthal M., Oerke E-C., Steiner U., Dehne H-W. (2003)
Visualization of downy mildew development in cucumber using thermography
Programme book of the joint conference of ECPA - ECPLF. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL.
Meier A. (2003)
Zur Bedeutung von Umweltbedingungen und Pflanzenbaulichen Maßnahmen auf den Fusarium-Befall und Mykotoxinbelastung von Weizen