We are not currently advertising any positions at the postdoctoral level. If you are interested in applying to join our group via a scholarship application, further information about possible options is available here:

We are not currently advertising any positions at the PhD level, but for further information, including on scholarship applications see:

"Bewerbung für eine Promotion in Deutschland"

IMG_3917 (003).JPG
© Annaliese Mason

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Annaliese Mason

If you locate a suitable PhD or postdoctoral scholarship and would like to discuss the possibility of our group hosting you, please send a cover letter, CV and one or more brief (half-to-one-page) project proposal ideas to annaliese.mason(at), no later than two months before the application deadline (preferably 3-6 months before, up to 12 months is also fine). Note that for projects requiring significant experimental funding (e.g. more than standard laboratory reagents, glasshouse or field space, for example if population genotyping or whole-genome sequencing data needs to be generated) then it is highly desirable that proposed projects have some overlap with pre-existing projects in the group (see Current Research Projects).

MSc and undergraduate research projects can be applied for through the MSc programs of the University of Bonn. Possibly relevant MSc programs include:

Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften / Crop Science
Agrarwissenschaften und Ressourcenmanagement in den Tropen und Subtropen
Molekularbiologie und Biotechnologie
Organismische Biologie, Evolutionsbiologie und Paläobiologie
Lebenswissenschaftliche Informatik

We look forward to seeing you !

Wird geladen