
Professur für Pflanzenzüchtung

Wir lehren an der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bonn in den Studiengängen Agrarwissenschaften, Nutzpflanzen­wissenschaften und Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics.


B.Sc. Agricultural Sciences (German)


  • B.Sc. Agricultural Sciences 2016 (BSCAgrar16) – for students starting before WiSe2020
  • B.Sc. Agricultural Sciences 2020 (BSCAgrar20) – for students starting from or after WiSe2020

Winter semester

  • Grundlagen der Pflanzenzüchtung

Module description: BScAgrar16 Seite 38: Pflanzenzüchtung

WS, 5. Sem., 5 SWS, V/Ü/S, Klausur, Pflicht Schwerpunkt Pflanze

Module description: BSCAgrar20 Seite 44: Grundlagen der Pflanzenzüchtung

WS, 5. Sem., 4 SWS, V/S, Klausur/Referat, Pflicht Schwerpunkt Pflanze

  • Methodik pflanzenwissenschaftlicher Experimente

Module description: BScAgrar16 Seite 73

WS, 5. Sem., 5 SWS, V/prÜ/E, Klausur, Freie Wahlpflicht

Module description: BScAgrar20 Seite 53

WS, 5. Sem., 4 SWS, V/Ü/K, Klausur/Hausarbeit, Wahlpflicht Schwerpunkt Pflanze

Summer semester

  • Zucht- und Selektionsmethodik landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen

Module description: BSCAgrar16 Seite 46: Pflanzenzüchtung – Basiswissen Zuchtmethoden landwirtschaftlicher Kulturarten
SS, 6.

Sem., 4 SWS, V/prÜ/E, Klausur, Wahlpflicht Schwerpunkt Pflanze

Module description: BSCAgrar20 Seite 143: Zucht- und Selektionsmethodik landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen
SS, 6.

Sem., 4 SWS, V/S/prÜ/E, Klausur, Freie Wahlpflicht

Bachelor Thesis

BScAgrar16 Seite 88
BScAgrar20 Seite 160

If you are interested in doing a thesis project with our department, please contact:

Prof. Annaliese Mason (annaliese.mason(at)uni-bonn.de) to find out about possible projects.

M.Sc. Crop Science

Module handbook:

  • M.Sc. Crop Science 2016 (MSCCropSci16) - for students starting before WiSe2020
  • M.Sc. Crop Science 2020 (MSCCropSci20) – for students starting from or after WiSe2020

Winter semester

  • Crop Breeding Research (English)

Module description: MSCCropSci20 Page 14
WS, 1. Sem., 2 SWS, L, Written exam, Compulsory module

  • Genome Analysis in Plant Breeding (English)

Module description: MSCCropSci16 Page 14

WS, February, Block, 3. Sem., 4 SWS, L/prT Lab, Written exam, Elective module

Module description: MSCCropSci20 Page 139

WS, February, Block, 3. Sem., 4 SWS, L/prT Lab, Written exam/(Referat), Elective module

Summer semester

  • Phänotypisierung in der Pflanzenzüchtung (German)

Module description: MScCropSci16 Page 24: Phänotypisierung in der Pflanzenzüchtung

SS, 2. Sem., 4 SWS, V/Ü Projektarbeit/S, Hausarbeit/Referat, Wahlpflicht Projektmodule Schwerpunkt PERC

Module description: MScCropSci20 Page 87: Phänotypisierung in der Pflanzenzüchtung

SS, 2. Sem., 4 SWS, V/prÜ Projektarbeit/K, Hausarbeit/Referat, Wahlpflicht Schwerpunkt Digital Agriculture

  • Population and Quantitative Genetics (English)

Module description: MScCropSci16 Page 64: Populations- und Quantitative Genetik (im Zeitalter der Genomik)

SS, 2.Sem., 4 SWS, V/S/Referat, Klausur, Freie Wahlpflicht

Module description: MSCCropSci20 Page 143: Population and Quantitative Genetics

SS, 2.Sem., 4 SWS, L/P Block, Written Exam/(Presentation), Elective module

  • Advances in Plant Breeding Methodology (English)

Module description: MScCropSci20 Page 137

SS, 2.Sem., 4 SWS, L/S Block, Project work/(Presentation), Elective

Master Thesis

MSCCropSci16 Page 87
MSCCropSci20 Page 147

If you are interested in doing a thesis project with our department, please contact:

Prof. Annaliese Mason (annaliese.mason(at)uni-bonn.de) to find out about possible projects.

M.Sc. Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS)

Module handbook:

  • M.Sc. Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS) 2016 (MSCArts16) - for students starting before WiSe2020
  • M.Sc. Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ARTS) 2020 (MSCArts20) - for students starting from and after WiSe2020

Winter semester

  • Crop Breeding Research

Module description: MScArts20 Page 15

WS, 1. Sem., 2 SWS, L, Written Exam, Elective 1. Sem.

  • Genome Analysis in Plant Breeding

Module description: MScArts16 Page 32

WS, February, Block, 1. Sem., 4 SWS, L/prT Lab, Written Exam, Elective core area Molecular approaches

Module description: MScArts20 Page 36

WS, February, Block, 2./3. Sem., 4 SWS, L/prE Lab, Written Exam / (Presentation), Elective 2./3. Sem.

  • Conservation and Use of Genetic Resources

Module description: MScArts16 Page 7 (Genes, Seeds and Biodiversity)

WS, block module; presentation (ungraded), written exam (graded)

Module description: MScArts20 Page 9

WS, block module; presentation (ungraded), written exam (graded)

Summer semester

  • Advances in Plant Breeding Methodology

MSCArts20 Page 44

SS, 2. Sem., 4 SWS, L/S Block, Project work/(Presentation), Elective 2./3. Sem.

Master Thesis

MScArts16 Page 52
MScArts20 Page 68

If you are interested in doing a thesis project with our department, please contact:

Prof. Annaliese Mason (annaliese.mason(at)uni-bonn.de) to find out about possible projects.

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