Root Functional Biology

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© Emmy Noether Programm
Root Functional Biology group aims to understand the genetic control and adaptive strategy of root growth and development interacting with soil microbes under environmental stresses in crops.


Faculty prize for Danning Wang

Congratulations to Danning for receiving the faculty prize for the best thesis in plant science.

Lab trip

Together with the CFG and CS group  we enjoyed a wonderful hiking trip on the Apollinaris-Schleife, which included a wine tasting from the Maibachfarm at the Ahr Valley. Later, we had the opportunity to see and got to know the ostriches at the farm in Remagen.

Roots are a key to drought-tolerant maize

Maize can grow successfully in very different local conditions. An international study headed by the University of Bonn has now demonstrated the important role of the plant root system. The researchers analyzed more than 9,000 varieties in the study and were able to show that their roots varied considerably – depending on how dry the location is where each variety was cultivated. They were also able to identify an important gene that plays a role in the plant’s ability to adapt. This gene could be the key to developing varieties of maize that cope better with climate change. The results were recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics.

Our 2024 maize seeds are in the ground!

Thanks to the good weather, we were able to plant our maize field at the University of Bonn's experimental station on May 2, 2024.



Dr. Peng Yu


Tel.: +49 228 73-60532
Fax: +49 228 73-60333


Room III.29

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144
D-53113 Bonn

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