Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with Jaclyn Bandy (Agora Agrar) on "Agriculture, food and forestry in a climate neutral EU".
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with Ramsha Basit (Let´s sustain e.V.) on "From Vision to Action: How Let's Sustain e.V. Drives ...
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with Claudia Schepp (Federal Office for Agriculture and Food) on "Soils for food security and climate: ...
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with John Opata (University of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ghana) on "Innovative and ...
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with Innocent Mwaka (Center for Evaluation and Development) on "Evaluation of International Development ...
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with Hellen Kamiri (Karatina University) on "Navigating in an ecosystem of agricultural, natural ...
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with Paul Wagstaff (Self Help Africa) on "The role of research collaboration in a development NGO".
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Lecture series on current topics of Resource Management with William Nelson (WWF Germany) on "Connecting agricultural research to civil society in Eastern & ...
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Excursion with Kai Behn (University of Bonn) and Mathias Becker (University of Bonn) through the Waldau/ City forest of Bonn. Prior registration required; ...
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