Prof Dr. E. Goldbach

INRES - Pflanzenernährung
Karlrobert-Kreiten-Strasse 13
D-53115 Bonn
+49 228 73-2851

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Functions of micronutrients (especially boron) in plant metabolism; processes on foliar surfaces and foliar fertilization; water balances of plants; waste management and nutrient cycling; early stress indicators in plants (see CROPSENSe).

Akademische Ausbildung


Habilitation, Technical University of Munich - Weihenstephan


Ph.D (Dr.rer.agr.), University of Hohenheim


Diploma (Dipl.agr.biol), University of Hohenheim


Study of Agrobiology, University of Hohenheim

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

since 1997:

Full Professor of Plant Nutrition, INRES, University of Bonn


Professor of Agroecology at the Chair of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth, Germany


Researcher and Assistant Prof., Chair of Plant Nutrition, TU-Munich-Weihenstephan


Scientist, Tropical and Subtropical Research Center (CATIE), Costa Rica ; Regional Plant Genetic Ressources Center


Assistant Prof., Institute of Plant Nutrition, Univ. Hohenheim


Graduate Research Assistant, Institute of Plant Nutrition, Univ. Hohenheim

Berufliche Tätigkeiten und Ehrungen

  • First supervisor of 26 Ph.D. students at the Universities of Bayreuth and the University of Bonn. Currently supervising and co-supervising 17 Ph. D. students at the University of Bonn.
  • Co-supervisor of PhD students at Davis U. CA., Murdoch U., Perth, Colegio de Postgraduados Montecillo Mexico, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Director / acting director of the Institute of Crops Research and Resource Conservation (founded 2006); member of all major faculty commissions and head of several working groups
  • Vice-President, Plant Production VDLUFA (2000 - 2005)
  • Vice President, German Society of Plant Nutrition (2001 - 2005)
  • President, German Society of Plant Nutrition (since 2006)
  • Head, Foliar Fertilization Working Group (2002 - 2008)
  • Intl. steering committee on boron research
  • Editorial board J Plant Nutrition Soil Science (1998 - present), J. Trace Microprobe Techniques (2000 until 2003)
  • regular reviewing for Plant and Soil, Plant Biology, Plant Physiology, J. Plant Physiology, Physiologia Plantarum, Protoplasma, Plant Cell Environ., J. Environ. Sci., VITIS, J. Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, J. of the Science of Food and Agriculture, CATENA
  • Referee, Intl. Foundation for Science, Australian Research Council
  • Assessment committees for course accreditations (ZeVA)
  • VDLUFA- Sprengel-Liebig-Medal in Gold in honours for merits on basic and applied agricultural research
  • Chairman: interdisciplinary competence network “CROPSENSe”, chairman or member of the steering committees of further research networks: IMPETUS - West Africa Project on Sustainable Water Use

Veröffentlichungen und Erfolge

  • Author and co-author in over 110 scientific papers, largely in refereed intl. journals
  • Coordinator or Co-Coordinator of several interdisciplinary projects,
  • Average annual project funds raised approx. 1.5 Mio. €, CROPSENSe network: 3 Mio. € annually (starting 2009)

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Eichert T., Goldbach H.E. (2010) Transpiration rate affects the mobility of foliarapplied boron in Ricinus communis L. cv. Impala. Plant and Soil, 328: 165-174.  DOI 10.1007/s11104-009-0094-y

Eichert T., Goldbach H.E. (2008) Equivalent pore radii of hydrophilic foliar uptake routes in stomatous and astomatous leaf surfaces - further evidence for a stomatal pathway. Physiologia Plantarum 132: 491-502.

Eichert T., Kurtz A., Steiner U., Goldbach H.E. (2008) Size exclusion limits and lateral heterogeneity of the stomatal foliar uptake pathway for aqueous solutes and water-suspended nanoparticles. Physiologia Plantarum 134: 151–160. (IF 2.334)

Goldbach H.E., Wimmer M.A. (2007) Boron in plants and animals: is there a role beyond cell-wall structure?" J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 170: 39-48

Schulz M., Kussmann P., Knop M., Kriegs B., Gresens F., Eichert T., Ulbrich A., Marx F., Fabricius H., Goldbach H., Noga G. (2007) Allelopathic monoterpenes interfere with Arabidopsis thaliana cuticular waxes and enhance transpiration. Plant Signalling & Behavior 2: 231-239

Wimmer M.A., Lochnit G., Bassil E., Muehling K.H., Goldbach H.E. (2009) Membrane-associated, boron interacting proteins isolated by boronate affinity chromatography  Plant and Cell Physiology 2009; doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcp073

Yu Q., Baluška F., Jasper F., Menzel D., Goldbach H.E. (2003) Short-term boron deprivation enhances levels of cytoskeletal proteins in maize, but not zucchini, root apices. Physiol. Plant. 117: 270-278

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