INRES Renewable Resources
The research profile Renewable Resources - including Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - of the Institute of Crop Sciences and Resource Conservation (INRES) of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bonn deals with current and future-oriented issues of the cultivation of renewable resources in research projects and practice-oriented experimental work. The close interlinking of different research areas and the rapid transfer of knowledge from research to practice are the strengths of the research area.
Perennial, fast-growing renewable resources contribute to many ecosystem services like increasing crop diversity, supporting biodiversity, constant soil cover, humus accumulation and many more. Those low-input plants generate biomass yields of high quality and bind CO2 in their biomass. Biomass yields must be used sustainably and ideally be incorporated in long-lasting products. Energy use should only come at the end of one or more cascades of use.

From plants...
Selected topics are included in research and teaching, ranging from the selection of plants and genotypes, via phenotyping of plant quality traits to the optimisation of cultivation strategies and ecosystem services. products
Research focusses on the material use of plants, meaning the development of biobased technologies and products for a sustainable bioeconomy. By that the research contributes to the research profile "Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures" of the University of Bonn.

Job openings
From time to time we are looking for new employees at the institute and/or for research projects (PhD students, SHK, WHK, WHF, technical staff, etc.). You can find these positions here and via: You are also welcome to contact us, as new projects might be approved at short notice. We also offe talking to you about the possibilities of a doing a PhD.
Here you can find the main research topics under the motto "From Plants to Products":

Perennial biomass plants
Agronomic research on Miscanthus, Silphium perfoliatum, Paulownia etc.

Medicinal and aromatic plants
Optimisation of cultivation and quality of different medicinal and aromatic plants.

Rheinisches Revier
Research focussing on cultivation and marketing of grains and herbs in the area of "Rheinisches Revier".

Alternative substrates
Replacing peat with renewable resources (Miscanthus).

Building Materials and paper
Building and insulating materials, paper and packaging made of renewable resources.
Different lectures and seminars are offered in Bachelor's and Master's programmes.
Bachelor/Master Theses
A wide range of ideas for Bachelor or Master theses are offered in the various research areas.
Research projects
You will find an overview of the current and completed research projects here:
Here you will finde the published results of our research:
News from our research

11. Internationale conference of MEG e.V.:
Contribution to circular sustainability: Miscanthus and perennial grasses.
27.11.2022 - 29.11.2022

Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude and rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch presented the activities of the University of Bonn at the launch of Humboltn on 05/31/22 in Münster.

Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude gives insights into the multifaceted applications of renewable resources in the Podcast "Clara fragt...!"

11/12/2021 NRW Science minister Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen visited the Campus Klein-Altendorf to be informed about the research on renewable resources and the excellence cluster PhenoRob.
During her research tour NRW science minister Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen visited the Campus Klein-Altendorf. Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude presented the different research activities on sustainable building materials to her and Rektor Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, chancellor Holger Gottschalk and Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi, pro-rector for sustainability
More information:
Pressemitteilung der Universität Bonn (15.11.21) Video (17.11.21)
Forschungsreise Möglichmacher des MKW
Digitalisierter Acker
Bild © Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW / YouTube

08/22/2021 NRW-minister for economy, innovation, digitalisation and energy visited Prof. Pude at Campus Klein-Altendorf
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart was informed by Prof. Ralf Pude about the research on renewable resources, for example the breeding progress with Silphium perfoliatum.

Opening of the "Workbox" of the bio innovation park Rheinland
The "Workbox" is a joint project of Alanus Hochschule Alfter, University of Bonn and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. It is a demonstration object for house building with renewable resources as the building primarily consists of Paulownia-wood and Miscanthus insulation.
more information:
Pressemitteilung der Universität Bonn (08.10.20)
Pressemitteilung idw (08.10.20)

08/13/2020 Inauguration of the paper technology center
Holger Gottschalk, chancellor at the University of Bonn, NRW minister Ursula Heinen-Hesser and Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude opened the paper technology centre at Campus Klein-Altendorf on 08/13/2020. At the institute of renewable resources Prof. Pude and his colleages are searching for innovative alternatives in paper production by using renewable resources. In the picture you can see Holger Gottschalk and Ursula Heinen-Esser showing their new business cards made out of Silphium perfoliatum.
more information:
Pressemitteilung der Universität Bonn (17.08.2020)
Mitteilung Bochumer Zeitung
Annual meeting of the IHK with participaction of NRW-minister Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen (2018)
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
Opening of the technology center: insulation plaster made from Miscanthus (2016)
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
Deutschlandfunk radio session on Miscanthus
Living Planet: Wood as fuel: A good idea?
Innovation radar on climate change 2022
At the innovation radar by the Kompetenznetzwerk Umweltwirtschaft NRW you can find several projects with our participation:

Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude
Klein Altendorf 2
53359 Rheinbach

Martina Nücken
Klein Altendorf 2
53359 Rheinbach
Arrival by car
The INRES Renewable Resources is located at Campus Klein-Altendorf (CKA) in Rheinbach. You can reach the CKA by car, train, bike or on foot.
Destination addresses for navigation devices:
Campus Klein-Altendorf ("Süd"), Klein-Altendorf 2, 53359 Rheinbach
Campus Klein-Altendorf ("Nord"), Campus Klein-Altendorf 1, 53359 Rheinbach
Please pay attention to the exact name of the street when using the destination address.
Arrival via bus or train
The nearest train stations are "Meckenheim Bahnhof" oder "Rheinbach Römerkanal". From there, you can take the bike (~ 15 min) oder go on foot (~ 30 min).